Clockwork Planet Wiki

Kyoto's Core Tower

A Core Tower is a city's most important structure. It is the building which controls the weather and artificial forces inside the city.


As its name implies, it lies at the core of the city. As the forces of nature were replaced by artificial versions, its controls allow an operator to change the weather, temperatures, clouds, wind, and gravity. The controls are extremely difficult to understand, and most of the operations are automatic. The Core Tower is a lot taller than seen on the surface, and notably has dozens of floors in the underground.

Core Towers are generally maintained by the Meister Guild and protected by the Army, though various Grids such as Mie and the Shangri-La Grid are not. The Mie Grid's Core Tower was cannibalized to create the Yatsukahagi, while the Shangri-La Grid's Core Tower had its functions distributed to its neighbor Grids by Naoto Miura and Marie Bell Breguet's refactoring of the Grid.
